Moringa Agriculture in Brazil – Arthur Begliomini
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Moringa Agriculture in Brazil – Arthur Begliomini

Celebrate Moringa – Day 15

There is much to celebrate moringa for in Brazil!

Meet Arthur Begliomini, agronomist, businessman, rural producer and researcher.

A leader in the moringa field, he has been very successful in the dense cropping of moringa, the largest in Brazil.

He is also seeing wonderful results in his livestock that are being fed moringa.

Check out the horse video below. What a magnificent animal! Moringa is included in its diet.

“Together we will end malnutrition in the world.”

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Moringa Enterprise Emerges in the Lowest Part on Earth (Jordan Valley Dead Sea Area)

Celebrate Moringa – Day 14

Again we celebrate Moringa in Jordan.  This time we go to the lowest part of the earth, the Southern Jordan Valley, near the Dead Sea. It is also known as the greenhouse of the Jordan.

We congratulate the founding members of DMDT (Darrat Almanal for Development and Training), Manal Alwazani & Dr. Sawsan Majali.

This not-for-profit company was established in November 2016.  Then in 2018 DMDT started a moringa tree-growing project to support and empower the youth and women in the region. The project proved to be successful in that it provided job opportunities for the local community, and they, in turn, contributed to the whole production chain. Today they sell a wonderful range of Moringa products.

Enjoy their story, and if you want to contact them their details are at the bottom of this article.

“Empowering the communities and developing a sense of community ownership.”

Moringa Business Success in Tanzania
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Moringa Business Success in Tanzania

Celebrate Moringa – Day 11

Today we meet an innovative Moringa businessman, Yudas Savye Lugenza, who runs 2 successful operations in Tanzania.

His experience as an Agribusiness Specialist has been most valuable to his moringa farming, with increased yields of up to 56%.

This in turn has helped him harvest more moringa seed and produce more moringa oil, which he exports internationally.

Enjoy his story. If you want to contact Yudas his contact details are at the bottom of this article.

A smarter way of farming moringa!

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