Africa Moringa Hub (AMH)

AMH’s Message to the Organic and Natural Products EXPO in South Africa (23 Oct)

AMH’s Message to the
Organic & Natural Products Expo
in South Africa (23 Oct)

(Presented by Benadette Woods on behalf of AMH Online)

Our Moringa Story

The world may think that Africa is poor and dying. Sadly, in the past, that is how Africa has been portrayed to the western world.

But we know that is not true. (This Organic and Natural Products Expo is proof of that!) We know that Africa has a wealth of untapped resources, and we at Africa Moringa Hub have discovered one of those resources in the Moringa Tree (often called the Miracle Tree).

This tree has been proven by scientists to be the most nutrient rich plant on earth, and for many years it has been growing under our noses and we never realised what it could do.

While many Africans were starving and dying from various diseases, and while little children were suffering from malnutrition, we did not know we had a cure that was freely growing for us.

But we are thankful that our Creator knew what we needed. Long before he had provided this tree that we call the Miracle Tree – truly a gift from God. And we are grateful to those scientists whom he used to untap its nutritional benefits, and to introduce it to places that needed it most, such as Senegal and other West African countries.

It was 13 years ago now that we were first introduced to the Discovery Channel documentary about the Miracle Tree, which got us excited. We could see so much potential.

Like a seed that was sown, this knowledge began to grow and spread across the Internet to many in Africa who also caught the vision and began growing it and seeing results in their households and communities.

Then in May 2016, Africa Moringa Hub was founded. Then in January 2018, AMH was officially recognised as an NGO.  

We acknowledge our founding directors: Joshua Haruna, Ghana (Founding Director); Prof Robert Tchitnga, Germany (President), Rene Munya, South Africa (Vice President); Jeanette Dickson, Australia (General Secretary & IT); Guillaume Nde Tene, Cameroon; George Zokli, Ghana; Eng. Frank Phiri, Zambia; Amelia Modjadji Ramphadi,  South Africa; Bernadette Woods, South Africa; Eng. Charity Kasubi, Tanzania; Dr. Stephen E. Njolomole, Malawi.

As you can see, we were represented in countries all over Africa. Today, we are represented in 41 African Countries, with support from countries in all continents around the globe, e.g., UK, USA, Canada, Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, Nepal, India, Venezuela, Panama, and Australia.   

We offer various opportunities for interested parties to get involved, knowing they will be impacting lives and bringing change to Africa.

Our Mission and Vision:

The MISSION of AMH is to promote health, wellbeing, self-sufficiency and wealth in Africa by teaching communities to grow and use moringa, produce moringa products and sell them on the local and global markets. 

Our VISION is to reduce poverty, hunger, and malnutrition through the introduction of Moringa as a food supplement and as an income generating venture in the whole of Africa, focusing on Moringa Knowledge and Promotions.


Our Objectives have been five-fold:

  1. EDUCATING – To increase awareness of moringa benefits. These cover health, skin care, agriculture, environment, sustainability, etc.
  2. TRAINING – Hands-on workshops throughout Africa are being conducted to train in using moringa, and in good sustainable production, processing, and making of value-add products.
  3. BRANDING – To create a strong trustworthy brand that meets both the local and international standards.
  4. EMPOWERING – To empower AMH members, be they producers, processors, suppliers, distributors, marketers, etc.
  5. NETWORKING – Encourage networking amongst Africa Moringa Hub members.

Our Team of Experts

We are grateful to our team of experts which include personalities like Professors, PhD Graduates, Researchers, Agriculturists, Moringa experts with a combined more than 100 years experience, Moringa farmers, scientists, processors, traders and marketers. 

The structure contains personnel from the beginning to the end of the value chain.

AMH’s Presence at this Expo

This brings us to our presence here this weekend.  

We are thrilled to be a part of the Organic and Natural Products Expo. What a marvellous opportunity to expand the moringa message and promote our Moringa Products, and for members to make new business contacts, both within Africa and abroad.

We thank the organisers, EXPO Promotions Ltd, and everyone who have made this event possible. Thank you James and Tim. We thank all those who have attended.

We pray that this Expo will help to bring prosperity to Africa and to prove to the world that Africa is not poor. We have been truly blessed by God.


The Deck, Wanderers Stadium
Corlett Drive,
South Africa

21—23 October 2022

Contacts in Ghana:-

EXPO Promotions Ltd:
t. +233 30 340 3949 | +233 24 452 1682
c. +233 24 443 7043 | +233 27 163 9433

AMH Online:
c. + 233 26 582 3377