Africa Moringa Hub (AMH)

March Madness – Supercharge with Moringa Powder – Part 2

Zoom Chat – Sunday 27 March – Part 2

We continued with the Zoom chat with another two guests, followed by a question and answer session.

Sakale Traore, Mali – Mamali Moringa

“From our side we work with rural women in a cooperative. We buy their products from the co-op. And we in turn, explain to them how moringa can be of benefit for them economically, for their bodies, for their well-being, and for their children.”

Sakale also shares how her husband found a solution for taking moringa powder. He put the moringa powder in a shaker so that everyday they can sprinkle it on their food. Use it like they would salt and pepper.

She shares how they also add moringa powder to cookies which a beautifully packaged in cookie containers that can be refilled. They also make moringa tea, moringa soup, and add moringa powder to moringa beauty products and soaps.

Ranjith Kumar – India

Ranjith is an organic moringa farmer, producer and marketer. He shared with us his story:

“Actually, I have a high blood pressure, and I face diabetes also, which means during my work in the software industry for 15 years, I had all these issues. I was working day and night, 12 hours a day, and eating for a long time with a bad pain.

“So these days, I have left that job and I started my own organic farming. Now I am taking moringa powder daily in my traditional Indian recipes and in rice, which usually ends up being about 15g of moringa powder daily. I can work 18 hours a day without being tired. So now my health is everything helping me back to normal.

“I am suggesting all this to my customers so that they are taking it, and we are seeing many miracles in moringa.

“I am a farmer, am doing processing, am doing marketing and sales. I am taking care of it all. I am the only employee working 18 hours a day to promote my business.

“A farmer from Zambia once came to see me, and he got some very good information for farming. So I am pleased to be part of making a difference globally. It is important that we continue to create awareness of moringa everywhere.”

We asked Ranjith about how much moringa powder was used in India. He told us that in India they use the drumsticks much more than the powder. Drumsticks are used in their dishes, and include them daily in their diet.

He also told us that he plans to take moringa powder to schools and create awareness there.

Question and Answer

The remainder of the video covers questions and answers. Please continue to watch to find out interesting information.